Feeling Stressed? You are not alone. Due to lifestyle changes, almost everyone feels stress. There are some asanas which are very helpful in releasing stress. some of them are noted below:
- Standing forward bend.
- Cat-Cow Pose.
- Easy Pose.
- Head to knee forward bend.
- Bridge pose.
- Corpse pose.
- Childs pose.
- Ardha kurmasana
Meaning of Ardha Kurmasana:
This is a Sanskrit Name for Yoga Poses, Postures and Asana
English Name for this Yoga Pose, Posture and Asana is Half Tortoise Pose.
Persons who can’t do Ardha Kurmasana/ Half Tortoise Pose:
Benefits of Ardha Kurmasana/ Half Tortoise Pose to the Body Parts:
- Stretches groin and thighs
- Tones lower back
- Great for posture correction
- This posture results in a rush of blood to the brain cells. This improves brain function by ensuring that the brain cells receive sufficient nutrition. With regular practice, this exercise is also said to activate the dormant cells in the brain.
- In addition, regular practice of this posture slows down the normal degradation of brain cells and can thus helps to slow down the process of ageing.
- The Half Tortoise Pose also helps to tone the abdominal area and the thighs.
- It provides a deep relaxing stretch to the spine.
- It also provides a deep stretch to the shoulder muscles.
- This posture also improves the flexibility of the hips.
Modifications + Variations to Ardha Kurmasana/ Half Tortoise Pose:
- Child Pose (hands kept back in relaxed mode)
- Slowly bring both hands towards your left and be there for few minutes and then bring both hands to the right side and hold for few minutes.
- For one who cant do this pose, they can keep knees wide apart.
Below asanas to perform before this pose:
Supta Vajrasana, Uttanasana, Garudasana, Adho Mukha svanasana, utkatasana.
Below asanas to perform after this pose:
Dandasana, Halasana, Sarvangasana, Ustrasana
How to do Ardha Kurmasana/ Half Tortoise Pose:
Therapeutic Applications of Ardha Kurmasana/ Half Tortoise Pose::
Helps to balance the levels of serotonin and melatonin in the brain. As these two chemicals are responsible for controlling the body’s sleep cycle, regular practice of the Ardha-Kurmasana can help deal with sleeping disorders. This posture also massages and stretches the lungs and can be helpful for people suffering from respiratory disorders such as asthma.
The Half Tortoise is also an excellent posture for ailments of the digestive system and can help counter Irritable Bowel Syndrome and its associated symptoms such as flatulence, constipation, and diarrhea.
It is also an excellent exercise for those suffering from migraines.
The posture is also helpful for diabetics as it helps control blood sugar levels.
The Ardha-Kurmasana is also very good for stress relief.
Usually performed towards the end of a yoga session in order to stretch the body and allow the heart rate to come back to normal.
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